GE 2020: The Labour Manifesto

With the General Election fast approaching DTTN has offered the main political parties the chance to present their manifestos to our readers.

We had allocated today’s space for a Labour representative. However, no one within the Labour Party responded to our calls and emails.

Just before going to press we received a jiffy bag from Labour containing nothing but a colouring book and a single red crayon.

Labour won only seven seats in the last election and their slide into irrelevance continues.

GE 2020 – The Fianna Fail Manifesto

With the General Election fast approaching DTTN has offered the main political parties the chance to present their manifestos to our readers. Today we hear from Fianna Fail councillor Eddie Cash.

    Fine Gael have broken Ireland. Tin Man Kenny teed us up and social media influencer Varadkar knocked us out of the fecking park. But, what more would you expect from the Blueshirts?

  Vote Fianna Fail and we will rebuild the country, brick by brick, development by ill-advised development. We might not take the actions that the country wants, or needs, but the one thing we can guarantee is action. And lots of it.

Continue reading “GE 2020 – The Fianna Fail Manifesto”

GE 2020 – The Fine Gael Manifesto

With the General Election fast approaching DTTN has offered the main political parties the chance to present their manifestos to our readers. Today we hear from Fine Gael councillor Patsy Preen.

     We’ve been in power for nine long years. Our critics say we haven’t done a lot right, but we haven’t done a lot wrong either. In fact we’ve not done much of anything. If you had an ol’ Delorean, from Back to the Future, and went all the way back to 2011 you’d not notice much difference. That’s what you get with Fine Gael – stability.

Continue reading “GE 2020 – The Fine Gael Manifesto”