Local Influencer traumatised by ‘gaudy’ election posters

A local influencer has been left traumatised after weeks of exposure to posters for the upcoming local and European elections.

“They’re just so gaudy, so tacky,” said Camilla Chamomile (25), “the colour schemes are sickly, the shots off centre. So, so just not Insta worthy.”

Chamomile has been so upset by the posters that she is now afraid to leave her apartment until after election day on 7th June.

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#Concerned – No Instagram post from café owner in 24 hours

Concerns are growing this evening for local café owner Fergus McSugref, who has not posted on Instagram for over 24 hours.

     McSugref, the proprietor of Grinding Bean on Main Street, is famed for posting a shot of every cup of coffee he serves.

      “Normally he posts any old shite, especially since lockdown” said a friend, “so we’re all wondering what’s happened.”

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Irish Political Parties still acting like teenagers

It’s been one month since the General Election the main parties are continuing to circle each other like tipsy teenagers at an underage disco. In order to understand their mindset DTTN has asked a 14 year old schoolgirl to explain:

“I mean, Leo thought he was hot stuff. Filtered selfies all over Insta, and like, socks?  But he’s just losing like sooo many followers because, well, he’s a bit too self-obssesed. Get over yourself Leo.

Continue reading “Irish Political Parties still acting like teenagers”