Local father refusing to pay towards daughter’s wedding unless Baked Alaska is served

A local father is refusing point blank to give any money towards his daughter’s wedding unless the happy couple serve a Baked Alaska for dessert at the reception.

Jimmy ‘Scoops’ Linehan (58) stated that serving Baked Alaska was a long cherished family tradition and he’d “be damned” if his daughter Jenny was going to “fuck it up for everyone.”

“My father had a Baked Alaska, and so did my father’s father,” said Linehan. “Before that it’s sketchy, but I’m assuming it goes back generations.

Jenny and that feckin’ eejit she’s getting married to are looking at fancy desserts like panna cattas and what have you, but if they want my money they’re serving a fucking Baked Alaska.

I’m a simple man, and this is all I ask. It’s tradition!”

It is understood that Linehan is demanding a whopping ten tier Baked Alaska be served at the event.

“Set it on fire, turn off the lights and wheel it out on a big trolley as everyone stands and claps,” said Linehan. “If you don’t stand you’re not getting any and if you don’t clap you can fuck off home.

And it needs to come out to music. I’ve picked I Gotta Feeling by The Black Eyed Peas. That’s my new addition to tradition. And it’s going to be a good, good night whether they fucking want it or not.”

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